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The Yesah Tribunal

Democracy Green was founded by an Afro-Indigenous family native to Turtle Island alongside various Black community leaders native to North Carolina. 


Democracy Green has developed and supported programs to assist Indigenous peoples and communities, both domestically and abroad. Recently, Democracy Green leadership was proud to support, attend, and participate in The Yesah Tribunal, standing with impacted communities against the Mountain Valley Pipeline. This event was organized by Dr. Crystal Cavalier of 7 Directions of Service and her Nation, the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi.

The Yesah Tribunal was the first Indigenous-led Tribunal for the Rights of Nature and the Rights of River in the world!

The Tribunal Courts organized by the following organizations: 7 Directions of Service, Movement Rights and the International Rights of Nature Tribunal.

The Tribunal was held at the Haw River State Park on June 1, 2024. Presided by an esteemed panel of Judges, selected for their expertise on Indigenous Rights, Rights of Nature and ecosystems protections, and nature-based solutions.


This esteemed panel of Judges included our very own, Democracy Green President/Co-Founder, La'Meshia, representing as a global expert and authority on water protection, security and sciences and representing her tribe of Apalwahči Mvskoke.

See below more information on this historic Tribunal, the profiles of the Judges, and the verdict rendered.


We Made History.

The renowned panel of Judges appointed to preside the historic Tribunal. The first Indigenous-led Tribunal for Rights of Nature in the world.

The panel of judges included President of the Yesah Tribunal Casey Camp Horinek, La’Meshia Whittington, Apalwaci Mvkoke, Afro-Indigenous, Heather Milton Lightening, Anishinaabe, nêhiyaw, Blackfoot, Dakota; Hartman Deetz, Mashpee Wampanoag; and Patrick Suarez, Meherrin Nation.

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Democracy Green and Leaders of the Apalwahči Mvskoke Nation represent.

Pictured here: Democracy Green Co-Founders, La'Meshia, Sanja (Democracy Green Executive Director) and Robert Jr (who joined on livestream) represent the organization and their Afro-Indigenous Collective, the Apalwahči Mvskoke Nation at the historic tribunal.


Dr. Crystal Cavalier-Keck, 7DS

Case presenter Dr. Crystal Cavalier-Keck, 7 Directions of Service, delivered an overview of MVP’s interlocking damages and destruction, as well as failures of regulating agencies to hold the pipeline accountable, which was fast-tracked in June 2023 as a result of being folded into the nation’s must-pass debt ceiling legislation.


Over 100 Tribal Peoples representing various Tribal Nations and Supporters Gather to Witness the Historic Tribunal Court Hearing on the Mountain Valley Pipeline and the Rights of the Haw River.

This Tribunal will gather testimonies from those directly affected by the MVP and its proposed extension into North Carolina, to compile a comprehensive narrative, encompassing the voices of impacted individuals, scientific evidence on pipeline hazards, and economic arguments against the purported public good of these projects. Furthermore, the Tribunal will address the violation of the Treaty of Middle Plantation, emphasizing the forced sacrifices made by communities in the name of corporate interests.

Central to the focus of this Tribunal is the Haw River, a vital waterway serving numerous cities and towns in its watershed. Despite efforts to treat wastewater, the river faces threats from various pollutants, including those stemming from the MVP and other industrial activities. Runoff laden with pesticides, fertilizers, and other contaminants poses a significant risk, endangering aquatic life and ecosystems along the river.

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