Our Story
Founded in 2018, Democracy Green has led numerous successful campaigns and environmental justice movements that have produced real change in North Carolina and nationwide. Through community education workshops, enviro-democracy tours, legal petitions against dirty polluters, and online petitions organized by our dedicated team and community members, we work to hold leaders and decision-makers accountable for their actions, moving them to rethink what is possible.
Initially known as Green Responders, Democracy Green was birthed in the storm waters of Hurricane Florence, delivering life-saving rescue assistance, direct relief, and mutual aid and waging a statewide demand to state lawmakers to release critical disaster aid dollars.
Out of this crisis came a long-term vision for justice for Environmental and Climate Justice communities and the need for democracy reform to achieve this justice. From this, Democracy Green became the official name carefully chosen by experienced community organizers, policy analysts, educators, and native-North Carolinians, who stood together to be ready to weather every storm, whether natural disasters or human-made.
Democracy Green leads campaigns, programs, community outreach and policy advocacy that promotes real solutions to some of the biggest challenges faced by frontline communities. We challenge the notion that the way things are is the way things should always be, and are proud to be a force for positive transformation.